Keep an eye on their blog for updates. The biggest hurdle for most people looking to claim bitcoin cash has been attaining a deposit address from a wallet they can trust.
How To Claim Your Free Bitcoin Cash Bcc From Your Bitcoin Btc
How i got my bitcoin cash from my paper wallets.

How to claim bitcoin cash from paper wallet. This post will give you step by step instructions on how ! i got my bitcoin cash its a detailed explanation of what i outlined in this post last week safely claiming bitcoin fork coins like bitcoin cash. The last hardware wallet keepkey has also published a blog post on bitcoin cash. Before the first bitcoin fork august 1st i put all my bitcoin into a paper wallet.
Trying to figure out how to claim bitcoin cash though my paper wallet do i send my private key where my bitcoin was stored to a bitcoin cash. We will be using the electron cash wallet to import the private keys and claim the bitcoin cash. Heres a short walkthrough for people looking to extract the bitcoin cash currency from a hardware wallet like a ledger nano or trezor device.
Any transactions since the hard fork will not be available on the bitcoin cash chain. At the time of writing it seems you wont be able to access your bch quite yet. I kind of forgot about it.
This guide will show you how to export p! rivate keys from a bitcoin core wallet. Now i think i can clai! m bitcoin cash as well. You will need a bitcoin core wallet that contained bitcoin at the time of the bitcoin cash hard fork.
If like me you owned bitcoin btc and it was stored in a paper wallet before 1st august 2017 you also have the same amount in bitcoin cash bch. Now that kraken is accepting bitcoin cash deposits it will make.
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